StudyPool First Thoughts – Hustled Series

Today we will explore the side hustle (and in some cases a full time wage) tutoring on StudyPool. We will take a look at the platform and how much you can make according to sources online. There will be a review of the current application process and how you can get the best possible start. Finally I will provide my initial thoughts of my experience on the platform for two weeks.

Let’s dive in.

What is StudyPool?

StudyPool is an online service that provides a two-way market place between students in need of support and tutors. The students will pay in order to receive the fulfilment of their request (often a written essay or completion of an assignment). Not sure how StudyPool can say this is helping students as it is evidently clear that the students will resubmit the work as their own. Especially considering the emphasis that they put on the non-submittal of plagiarised work. Your not fooling anyone StudyPool – but hey – we go on!

The tutors are required to bid on questions that have been sent in via students of varying subjects. If the tutor wins the bid they are matched with the student and they must fulfil the request within the time specified on the project.

Sounds simple enough.

Tutors in parallel with this can submit previous or new written documents to the platform. If the document they have created is downloaded by a student – the owner gets a commission.

This can be up to 10 dollars per document.

I will assume that these documents are then used by the students to pass off as their own work – why else would a student request a completely new assignment to a specific question…

If my assumptions are right (and I believe there would be no other value in these documents) then from an ethical standpoint we are definitely on dodgy ground. However, in the interest of our readers I will continue on!

How much can you make with StudyPool?

After some initial searches online you will be able to find countless articles claiming the high levels of earnings that you can gain from the StudyPool platform. With articles stating that the highest earners on the platform have reported annual income of over £70,000 – I had to check this out for myself. In most cases these levels of earnings are only seen in the top 5% of earners.

What is the application process for StudyPool?

In order to access the StudyPool platform as a tutor you are required to complete an application process. The process was very standard with them requiring you to provide your initial details and past experience. Once you had filled out the initial screening process – there was a catch to gain the “best chance” of gaining students and winning bids on the platform. You are requested to answer two essay questions. There were three main requirements the essay needed to be;

  • 500 words
  • Follow set examination criteria including the referencing style.
  • Be your own work with no plagiarism.

By doing this, after being reviewed, you would be awarded with an expert badge in your field just to show how great you are! But no seriously, these were a lot of work for very little return.

After you have submitted your essays you are then requested to submit a photo of yourself with your ID. This will then be reviewed and you will be accepted onto the platform ready to make your bids.

Two Week Experience on StudyPool

Once I had been accepted onto the platform with my two badges in hand I started bidding on projects. My initial shock before carryout any bids was the low rates that I was seeing. In many cases, project budgets were low.

Low Project Rates

Now when I say low – I mean low…

Over the course of two weeks, the highest budget that I saw was 14 dollars. Now let’s remember this is not an hourly rate this is for the entire project. The vast majority of bids were between 3 and 8 dollars and upon inspection of each project – there was a lot of work tied to these low returns. Some of the projects were complete assignments of 3000 words. Other projects were final year projects that would take days – maybe even weeks – to complete. With the time that it would take to complete the vast majority of the projects – you are unlikely to meet minimum wage – especially when you are starting out.

Putting the low project rates to the side for one second – let’s talk about the competition.

High Competition

StudyPool is saturated to say the least. This actually came as a shock to me with the level of effort required to get on the platform. On the majority of bids, unless in more specialist subjects, projects would have a significant number of bids. Even at the low rates witnessed – bids in the business and economics subject areas were reaching into the high seventies!

And this wasn’t a trickle of bid submission – this was a tidal wave.

In many cases – before you had even seen the project in your dashboard it had over 10 bids. And this figure would continue to rise as you were creating your bid submission. Just to add to your frustration, StudyPool slows you down further by asking you to fill out a handy terms and conditions quiz every time you make a bid.

Not annoying all… thanks StudyPool.

Although I was met with both these barriers I continued on with the recommended “15 bids per day”. Badges in hand, I continued on my way to gaining the all important first bid! Needless to say I was successful with my journey to making…


Not a penny.



Final Thoughts

In all honesty, I would continue with my investigations further and continue to see what StudyPool has to offer. Unfortunately I, and I am sure many others, would be better off working on other opportunities. Opportunities that require way less effort, more reward and more importantly greater scalability.

Unless requested, this is where we depart with StudyPool and provide the below review. I am sure that the students are happy though with there grades – or should I say tutors grades.

Hats off to those making 6 figures though – you have more patience than I do.

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Check out the Saving area of The Long Commute.

Need to increase your income and build another stream of income?

Check out the Hustle area of The Long Commute.