Make Money Online With These Five Websites

Today we are going to explore several sites that you can use to make some extra money. In some cases, some of these websites can provide you with a full-time income. In other cases they will provide some money on the side of your full-time job. Some are more scalable than others – with some of the items being short-term hustles.

Let’s dive in!

Make Money With Fiverr

Fiverr, and for that matter any other freelancing platform, can provide you with a side income. Do not rule out other freelance website that can offer a similar proposition to Fiverr. To name a few, Freelancer, Upwork and People per Hour can also provide other platforms to gain service clients.

So what do you do to make money on these freelancing websites? Well you provide a skill that you possess and sell it to the clients on these platforms. This could be as technical as programming or as commonplace as administration work. Whatever skills you have – you can sell them on these sites. On Fiverr, specifically, we are starting to review our experience as part of the Hustled Series.

Although these platforms are exposed to high levels of competition in the majority of commonplace services (think your website creation, administration and logo design) – don’t let this put you off. With consistency, a unique selling point and providing quality solutions the first client will sure to be around the corner.

Profit Accumulator

Profit Accumulator is a website that educates its subscribers in the arts of Matched Betting (if you can call it an art). You can check out our Matched Betting Article that will tell you all about the sign up process and what Matched Betting is. The key takeaway is that it is risk free – as long as you following the instructions. The idea is you pocket part of the free bonuses that betting companies use for platform promotion. By using the promotion, you place two bets against one another which covers all outcomes of the event (win, draw, lose). From this no matter the outcome you will receive either your money back from the money you staked or win money from the staked bonus (the free money the platform gave you).

The system provides you with a step-by-step guide through the process to making money with Matched Betting.
The system provides you with a step-by-step guide through the process – the information is comprehensive and provides a way to earn money without any risk.

Sound complicated – well don’t worry – Profit Accumulator tells you exactly what bets to place on which matches. This will include the return on your money based upon the bonus that you have received. Of course the higher the bonus (sign up bonuses) the more money you can get out of the deal. Some sign up bonuses run up as high as 200 pounds. In our example we were able to get 150 pounds from two bets using this bonus. No risk, little effort.

Downsides of Making Money With Matched Betting

The downside with this however is the sustainability and longevity of the hustle. You are limited to the number of sign up bonuses, bonuses after these large sums are small (5 to 10 pounds) so the amount of time to reward is less appealing. That said, there are people that claim to continue the make a significant amount of money (over 1000 pound a month) from these small amounts consistently. Our exploration of the platform stopped after the initial sign up bonuses as the amount of time was not worth the return for ourselves. But for anyone looking for quick money – the sign up bonuses are always easy money and the subscription fee to Profit Accumulator will be paid back from your returns.

Make Income With Teespring

The first out of these five that can provide you with passive income if you are able to establish yourself within a niche market. With Teespring you are able to use there service for print-on-demand. What is print-on-demand you ask? Print-on-demand is a service provided by suppliers of various apparel and products (mugs, t-shirts, bags etc.) where they will print your designs on products and ship them straight to your customer.

laptop, mockup, graphics tablet-2838921.jpg

Your part in the process is creating the designs and marketing your products outside of the Teespring platform. If you are (a) a designer (b) a marketer that knows a designer, then this hustle is great for you. Create and upload existing or new designs to the platform and edit the design layout on each product. These will then be posted on your very own storefront within Teespring. When a customer places an order with Teespring you receive the difference after commission, logistics and material costs. The best part, if you are able to gain consistent sales once the designs are uploaded – the rest is purely passive. Unless you market your products (which we recommend you do). We also suggest that you explore selling your designs through your own website – which leads us onto our next hustle.

Build a Scalable Income With Alibaba / Shopify

Alibaba is the Amazon of China. This allows you to find products at severely discounted prices to western equivalent sellers. Through Shopify, you act as the conduit between the buyer and the seller. How? Well by creating a Shopify website, a brand and creating greater perceived value through customer care. Also known as “Shopify Dropshipping” you are required to be the shop front and customer care for these products. Alongside this your success will be highly dependent on your marketing skills. Specifically you will be required to launch Facebook and Instagram adverts to gain conversions on your websites through clicks. In parallel to this you will need to have a eye for finding unique products that engage an impulsive buying nature from potential customers. Often, those that are using social platforms are not on these sites looking for specific products. They are often scrolling through reels waiting for the next hit of dopamine. When an advert shows, if it stimulates the impulsive buying nature within us all – you gain a sale.

Image of the Dropshipping Process from Oberlo. Showing how you are able to make money with Dropshipping.
Diagram of the Dropshipping Business Model. Image from Oberlo – a plugin that supports Shopify Dropshipping stores.

If you are able to achieve the perfect balance between:

  • A professional website.
  • A strong brand image.
  • A well researched niche market.
  • A unique, impulsive product for your customers.
  • High quality marketing material and Facebook Advert Campaigns.
  • And even more crucially – a passion for your niche (otherwise you will struggle to keep motivated).

This may be the best fit for you.


Do you have a inner teacher in you just waiting to break free? Do you have a hidden talent that you just can’t stop talking about? Well then Skillshare might be the perfect hustle for you. Another hustle that can very well turn into a passive form of income through posting educational courses on the platform. Imagine the Netflix of education and you have Skillshare. Customers of Skillshare that are either members of the platform or buy your course directly – will provide you with a portion of the profits. After Skillshare have taken their commission the rest is yours.

If you get yourself a professional microphone and video editing software you will be on your way. As long as you have a passion that you can teach others about – the rest is simple. Create educational material, this could be a short lesson or a complete course. From here upload the material to Skillshare and that is it. There have been stories of some people uploading a singular course and earning thousands monthly. If you are not getting results straight away – don’t panic – just be consistent and work to improve your content quality. Although this can become a passive stream of income – you need to put in the hours first to reap the rewards later.


Although these platforms are methods to get you earning money on the side there will always be challenges. Other than the Matched Betting element of this article – the remaining hustles should not be considered a simple undertaking. They will require work like any business, and lets not kid ourselves, these are all businesses in there own right.

As always, keep improving the quality of your service, ensure that you are consistent, keep moving forward and never be scared to fail – failure is growth.

Not sure where to start with investing your time and money in assets?

Check out the Invest area of The Long Commute.

Need to free up some extra cash and gain a secure foundation before you start to invest in assets?

Check out the Saving area of The Long Commute.

Need to increase your income and build another stream of income?

Check out the Hustle area of The Long Commute.